Mastodon is a free, open-source social network server based on ActivityPub where users can follow friends and discover new ones..
- Social
- 80:80/tcp
- 443:443/tcp
Container | Bind |
/config | /opt/appdata/mastodon |
Environment Variables
Name | Label | Default | Description |
PUID | PUID | 1024 | for UserID |
PGID | PGID | 100 | for GroupID |
TZ | TZ | Europe/Amsterdam | specify a timezone to use, see this [list]( |
LOCAL_DOMAIN | LOCAL_DOMAIN | | This is the unique identifier of your server in the network. It cannot be safely changed later. |
REDIS_HOST | REDIS_HOST | redis | Redis server hostname |
REDIS_PORT | REDIS_PORT | 6379 | Redis port |
DB_HOST | DB_HOST | db | Postgres database hostname |
DB_USER | DB_USER | mastodon | Postgres username |
DB_NAME | DB_NAME | mastodon | Postgres db name |
DB_PASS | DB_PASS | mastodon | Postgres password |
DB_PORT | DB_PORT | 5432 | Portgres port |
ES_ENABLED | ES_ENABLED | false | Enable or disable Elasticsearch (requires a separate ES instance) |
SECRET_KEY_BASE | SECRET_KEY_BASE | `````` | Browser session secret. Changing it will break all active browser sessions. |
OTP_SECRET | OTP_SECRET | `````` | MFA secret. Changing it after initial setup will break two-factor authentication. |
VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY | VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY | `````` | Push notification private key. Changing it after initial setup will break push notifications. |
VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY | VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY | `````` | Push notification public key. Changing it after initial setup will break push notifications. |
SMTP_SERVER | SMTP_SERVER | | SMTP server for email notifications |
SMTP_PORT | SMTP_PORT | 25 | SMTP server port |
SMTP_LOGIN | SMTP_LOGIN | `````` | SMTP username |
SMTP_PASSWORD | SMTP_PASSWORD | `````` | SMTP password |
SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS | SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS | [email protected] | From address for emails send from Mastodon |
S3_ENABLED | S3_ENABLED | false | Enable or disable S3 storage of uploaded files |
WEB_DOMAIN | WEB_DOMAIN | | This can be set if you want your server identifier to be different to the subdomain hosting Mastodon. See []( |
ES_HOST | ES_HOST | es | Elasticsearch server hostname |
ES_PORT | ES_PORT | 9200 | Elasticsearch port |
ES_USER | ES_USER | elastic | Elasticsearch username |
ES_PASS | ES_PASS | elastic | Elasticsearch password |
S3_BUCKET | S3_BUCKET | `````` | S3 bucket hostname |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | `````` | S3 bucket access key ID |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | `````` | S3 bucket secret access key |
S3_ALIAS_HOST | S3_ALIAS_HOST | `````` | Alternate hostname for object fetching if you are front the S3 connections. |
SIDEKIQ_ONLY | SIDEKIQ_ONLY | false | Only run the sidekiq service in this container instance. For large scale instances that need better queue handling. |
SIDEKIQ_QUEUE | SIDEKIQ_QUEUE | `````` | The name of the sidekiq queue to run in this container. See [notes]( |
SIDEKIQ_DEFAULT | SIDEKIQ_DEFAULT | false | Set to `true` on the main container if you're running additional sidekiq instances. It will run the `default` queue. |
SIDEKIQ_THREADS | SIDEKIQ_THREADS | 5 | The number of threads for sidekiq to use. See [notes]( |
DB_POOL | DB_POOL | 5 | The size of the DB connection pool, must be *at least* the same as `SIDEKIQ_THREADS`. See [notes]( |
NO_CHOWN | NO_CHOWN | `````` | Set to `true` to skip chown of /config on init. *READ THE APPLICATION NOTES BEFORE SETTING THIS*. |
Key | Value |
traefik.enable | true |
traefik.http.routers.mastodon.rule | Host(`mastodon.{$TRAEFIK_INGRESS_DOMAIN}`) |
traefik.http.routers.mastodon.entrypoints | https | | 80 |
traefik.http.routers.mastodon.tls | true |
traefik.http.routers.mastodon.tls.certresolver | default |
traefik.http.routers.mastodon.middlewares | traefik-forward-auth |
mafl.enable | true |
mafl.title | Mastodon |
mafl.description | Mastodon is a free, open-source social network server based on ActivityPub where users can follow friends and discover new ones. | | https://mastodon.{$TRAEFIK_INGRESS_DOMAIN} |
mafl.icon.wrap | true |
mafl.icon.color | #007acc |
mafl.status.enabled | true |
mafl.status.interval | 60 | | Social |
mafl.icon.url | |