Kanzi, formerly titled Kodi-Alexa, this custom skill is the ultimate voice remote control for navigating Kodi. It can do anything you can think of (100+ intents). This container also contains lexigram-cli to setup Kanzi with an Amazon Developer Account and automatically deploy it to Amazon.
- Mediaserver
- 8000:8000/tcp
Container | Bind |
/config | /opt/appdata/kanzi |
Environment Variables
Name | Label | Default | Description |
PUID | PUID | 1024 | for GroupID |
PGID | PGID | 100 | for UserID |
TZ | TZ | Europe/Amsterdam | Specify a timezone to use for example Europe/Amsterdam |
INVOCATION_NAME | INVOCATION_NAME | kanzi | Specify an invocation name for this skill, use either kanzi or kod. |
URL_ENDPOINT | URL_ENDPOINT | https://server.com/kanzi/ | Specify the URL at which the webserver is reachable either `https://kanzi.server.com/` or `https://server.com/kanzi/` Note the trailing slash **MUST** be included. |
Key | Value |
traefik.enable | true |
traefik.http.routers.kanzi.rule | Host(`kanzi.{$TRAEFIK_INGRESS_DOMAIN}`) |
traefik.http.routers.kanzi.entrypoints | https |
traefik.http.services.kanzi.loadbalancer.server.port | 8000 |
traefik.http.routers.kanzi.tls | true |
traefik.http.routers.kanzi.tls.certresolver | default |
traefik.http.routers.kanzi.middlewares | traefik-forward-auth |
mafl.enable | true |
mafl.title | Kanzi |
mafl.description | Kanzi, formerly titled Kodi-Alexa, this custom skill is the ultimate voice remote control for navigating Kodi. |
mafl.link | https://kanzi.{$TRAEFIK_INGRESS_DOMAIN} |
mafl.icon.wrap | true |
mafl.icon.color | #007acc |
mafl.status.enabled | true |
mafl.status.interval | 60 |
mafl.group | Mediaserver |
mafl.icon.url | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/kanzi.png |