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Infrastructure as Code with Ansible

NewPush Labs uses Ansible for infrastructure as code (IaC), ensuring consistency, reproducibility, and scalability in lab environments.

Key Concepts

  1. Playbooks: Ansible playbooks define the desired state of your infrastructure and applications.

  2. Roles: Reusable components that encapsulate tasks, handlers, and variables.

  3. Inventories: Define the hosts and groups that Ansible manages.

  4. Variables: Used to customize playbooks for different environments or use cases.

Using Ansible in NewPush Labs


The Ansible configuration in NewPush Labs typically this structure:

├── inventory/
├── group_vars/
├── roles/
├── playbooks/
│   ├── lab.yaml

Running Playbooks

To apply configuration changes:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/lab.yml -p provisioning/ansible/lab.yaml


The Makefile in the project directory defines a couple of macros for easier use. Refer to the Makefile for the list of up to date macros.

Licensed under the MIT License. Free for all use cases. For enterprise or academic support, please reach out to us.