Infrastructure as Code with Ansible
NewPush Labs uses Ansible for infrastructure as code (IaC), ensuring consistency, reproducibility, and scalability in lab environments.
Key Concepts
Playbooks: Ansible playbooks define the desired state of your infrastructure and applications.
Roles: Reusable components that encapsulate tasks, handlers, and variables.
Inventories: Define the hosts and groups that Ansible manages.
Variables: Used to customize playbooks for different environments or use cases.
Using Ansible in NewPush Labs
The Ansible configuration in NewPush Labs typically this structure:
├── inventory/
├── group_vars/
├── roles/
├── playbooks/
│ ├── lab.yaml
Running Playbooks
To apply configuration changes:
ansible-playbook -i inventory/lab.yml -p provisioning/ansible/lab.yaml
The Makefile in the project directory defines a couple of macros for easier use. Refer to the Makefile
for the list of up to date macros.